'; $pageContent=<<Tenant Portal Lost Password $pgEvent

Please enter your email below to have your login credentials emailed to you.


Don't have an account? Just request access.

EEQ; // set up logged-in logic if ($_POST['submit']=="Submit"){ // connect database $db_name="gould_tenantusers"; $user="gould_tenantport"; $password="5][~sB&cc26M"; $connection = mysql_connect('localhost',$user,$password); if ($connection) { //echo "Database Connected"; $emailchk=htmlentities($_POST['tenantEmail1']); $passwordchk=htmlentities($_POST['tenantPassword1']); $db_selected = mysql_select_db($db_name,$connection); $get_accounts_sql="SELECT * FROM gouldtenants WHERE email = '$emailchk' AND approved = 'yes' AND active = 'yes'"; //echo $get_accounts_sql; $checklogin = mysql_query($get_accounts_sql,$connection); $checkloginCount = mysql_query($get_accounts_sql,$connection); $userInfo=mysql_fetch_array($checklogin, MYSQL_ASSOC); //echo "Email: ".$userInfo['email']; $found_tenant = mysql_num_rows($checkloginCount); //echo "found tenants: ". $found_tenant; if ($found_tenant == "1"){ $pgEvent="

An email has been sent to you. Please check it for your login credentials.

"; $headers = "From: ".$userInfo['email']." \r\n"; $headers.= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 \r\n"; $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0 \r\n"; $useremail=$userInfo['email']; $userpassword=$userInfo['password']; $body=<<Tenant Portal Lost Password

Thanks for contacting us. Here are your login credentials for the tenant portal.

Username: $useremail
Password: $userpassword

Login at: Tenant Portal

EEQ; mail($userInfo['email'], "Lost Password to Tenant Portal", $body, $headers); //echo "found tenants: ". $found_tenant; } if ($found_tenant == "0"){ $loggedIn="0"; $pgEvent="

You do not have an active account in our Tenant Portal.

Please contact us directly at XXXXXXXX, if you believe you do have an account with us.

"; } } // end connection $pageContent=<<Tenant Portal Lost Password $pgEvent

Feugiat ipsum amet a erat eleifend aliquet, fermentum lectus euismod wisi porttitor justo, mollis ac turpis auctor cupidatat integer nemo. Velit placerat aliquam nec ut tellus, ante pharetra consequat nam nibh velit, voluptatem ante cras, quam lorem turpis dui vulputate semper


Don't have an account? Just request access.

EEQ; $includeValidation=' '; } // end POST submit $pgTitle="Tenant Portal Lost Password - Gould Property"; $pgDescription="Tenant Portal Lost Password - Gould Property"; $ogImage=""; $ogTitle="$pgTitle"; $ogDescription="$pgDescription"; $ogURL="http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $twitterTitle="$pgTitle"; $twitterDescription="$pgDescription"; $twitterImage="$ogImage"; $twitterURL="http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; $imageSlider1="/tenant-portal/assets/images/slider-1.jpg"; $imageSlider2="/tenant-portal/assets/images/slider-2.jpg"; $imageSlider3="/tenant-portal/assets/images/slider-3.jpg"; $imageSlider1Alt=""; $imageSlider2Alt=""; $imageSlider3Alt=""; include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/tenant-portal/includes/setup.html"; echo $headSection; ?>